Agriculture’s Future is Organic

Ecoworm Humate is a highly concentrated liquid extract produced from the highest grade organic vermicompost, containing beneficial soil microbes, plant available nutrients and minerals. Ecoworm Humate can be used as a fertilizer, re-builder, conditioner, and works as natural pest and disease control.

The secret of Humate

Ecoworm Humate feeds plants and soil with micro-organisms, while enriching soil with humic and fulvic acids, and plant growth enzymes. It re-establishes the micro-organisms and biology that chemical fertilizers have killed off, while replenishing macro- and micro-nutrients, minerals, vitamins, natural antibiotics, 18 amino acids, and beneficial soil bacteria that are essential for healthy plant growth.

Humate is capable of capturing a wide range of nutrients, and storing them until the plant is ready. Moreover, it improves soil structure, increases water retention capability, and creates the best conditions for beneficial micro-organisms to thrive.

Ecoworm Humate can be used in farming, gardens, orchards, groves, pastures, ranges, vineyards, greenhouses, hydroponics, nurseries, plantations, golf courses, stadiums, or schools. It can also be used as foliar spray, seed inoculant, and in fertigation systems, making it the perfect candidate for any agricultural application.

Soil health

Increased soil fertility and structure
Increased P, K, Fe, Cu, Zn, Ca uptake
Increased humus levels

Damage negation

Reduced absorption of nitrates and heavy metals

Microbiology booster

Increased metabolism of micro-organisms

Benefits of Humate

The benefits are countless, but we’ll try our best to condense.

Plant longevity

Greater mineral & vitamin content
Improved root growth
Increased natural defenses

No toxins

All natural materials
No harmful chemicals
Safe for livestock

Easy to use

Soluble in water for easier, economical application and faster effect

The Case of the Sugar Beet

In the photo, you can see sugar beets grown in sandy (left) and clay (right) soils. All were sprayed with mineral fertilizers, while some of them were treated with Ecoworm Humate. It is visible that treated sugar beets benefited from Ecoworm Humate by having higher overall mass, and a stronger root system.

Easy to use, easier to store

Make humate work for you.

Ecoworm Humate is applied as a liquid spray or by watering can onto plant leaf surfaces or as a soil drench to re-apply all the beneficial micro-organisms and nutrients that the soil and plants require. Apply Ecoworm Humate on plants during the growth stage for immediate uptake and coat seed at sowing for greater strike rate. Fertilizer can be applied using normal agricultural spray equipment, with increased jet size so that there is no harm for the micro-organisms during the application. Use low pressure when fertilizing, so that micro-organisms do not get killed.

Apply Ecoworm Humate during the coldest part of the day, such as early morning or late afternoon, so that UV rays do not affect the beneficial biology. When it is raining, the growth stimulant can be applied at any time, as the micro-organisms will use this available moisture to colonize the plant and soil, while being protected from the UV rays.

Ecoworm Humate is also compatible with other fertilizers. It is environmentally friendly and does not contaminate waterways.

The fertilizer is microbial based, and we have managed to get the biology into dormancy, which allows us to store the living product. If you let any source of food to enter the container such as fish or molasses, the micro-organisms will wake up, consume all the oxygen inside the drum and then die, leaving you with stinky useless liquid. Make sure the food activator is only added to the spray tank or watering can, not to the drum, otherwise any leftover extract will be wasted.


Ecoworm Humate can be stored for years if out of direct sunlight, and in rather cool place. Ecoworm’s technology allows you to store our fertilizer without the microbes dying. The micro-organisms in Ecoworm Humate fall asleep and wake up once they get oxygen. This is one the biggest problems of our competitors, whose aerated worm teas and compost teas must be used within hours of brew aeration finishing.