Getting to the root of the matter

Chemical fertilizers have been used for a long time in human history for immediate, visible results. The long term outcome of this chemical use, however, destroys the soil and the microbiology that sustains it. Organic fertilizer gets down to the deepest layers of soil by mimicking and supplementing the natural processes that have sustained life for billions of years. Here’s how it works.

Peeling off the layers

Every year, nutrients are removed from the soil with the harvest. When soil is tilled, countless beneficial micro-organisms die, depleting humus levels and overall soil fertility. Without the correct micro-biology present in the soil, many nutrients are wasted, increasing erosion, and decreasing the harvest.

Soil microbes are present in the deepest layers of the soil to break down organic matter and solubilize minerals. When the soil microbes are not in balance, plants and turf grass are not able to use minerals or organic matter that are in the soil, and they are broken down by the micro-biology.

Soil microbes build the soil structure, and healthy soil should be teeming with them. When soil microbes are healthy, they de-compact the soil and promote root growth. As plants grow larger roots, they allow a greater nutrient exchange and increase their longevity. Plants grown in a healthy soil cope better with changes and stress such as extreme heat, drought, flood, and frost. Soil microbes are also food for earthworms, which allows the worms to thrive in the soil and give back nutrients. Soil microbes work as bio-control, helping to reduce pests and diseases on crops. They also consume organic matter, leading to reduced crop residue and thatch layers under turf, reducing disease spores.

Chemical fertilizers have been used for a long time to restore the nutrients lost from soil, where immediate effect on plant growth can be witnessed. However, chemical fertilizers cannot provide food for all beneficial micro-organisms, and degrade the soil with formation of salts over time. Chemical fertilization then becomes a waste of money, as it prevents retention of added nutrients. These chemicals are held in the soil until they are released by heavy rain or overwatering. When they are released into the ground water, our waterways then become contaminated with these leached chemicals, causing further problems for other forms of life, including us.

Every organism present in the soil plays a crucial role in the soil’s ecosystem, and we humans should look after these organisms to ensure that the soil stays fertile and less dependent on chemical fertilizers. This is why organic fertilizer is so important.

The secret of Vermicompost

Vermicompost isn’t actually a secret. Charles Darwin was the first to observe the effect of earthworms and castings they produced over 100 years ago. Benefits of vermicompost, attained through an amazing interplay of biology, chemistry, and microbiology led to the production of an extraordinary soil amendment and plant nutrient. Scientific studies have proved that treating plants with extracts of vermicompost result in better plant growth and decreased instances of disease. Ecoworm Soil Extract is ideal if you are seeking for a product to rebuild your soil, while inoculating it with full range of soil microbes required to cycle minerals and nutrients.

Sapropel Saves the Day

Over 10,000 years of anaerobic biological treatment, nature has created one of the best organic fertilizers. Sapropel is a biologically active substance found in freshwater lake sediment that contains the widest range of natural and biologically active materials, which are hard to find in other products on the market. Sapropel is sutured with nitrogen, calcium, phosphorus, potassium, various amino acids, as well as humic acids and other organic natural substances and micro-elements. One of the main advantages of a such biologically active product is the development of strong plant resistance to various diseases, including root rot. Moreover, it helps to prevent the development of malignant bacteria.

The unique combination of organics, vitamins and microelements found in sapropel is able to restore exhausted soil, by reactivating soil functions and bringing fertility back by forming humus. It makes nutrients available in their raw balanced form and has high levels of organic matter humification. Sapropel-based organic fertiliser stimulates plant growth and increases plant productivity, improves soil structure, and gives long-term soil stability.

Not harmful to environment

Sustainably produced

Feeds the building blocks of soil

Healthy plants support healthy life

Safe for kids and pets

Less wasteful than chemical fertilizer

Why Organic?

Feeding soil microbes and building good conditions for them to thrive is important. Ecoworm Soil Extract & Sapropel Extract are organic fertilizers that enhance the natural growing mechanisms of the plant and soil through feeding essential microbial communities.

It doesn’t stop at fertilizer.

Consider Clean Guard potassium soap your new best friend. Clean Guard is an all-natural, multi-purpose spray that will help keep pests away from your plants, your greenhouse squeaky-clean, and give your plants a much needed boost of the potassium they crave.