The Perfect Dose
Ecoworm Soil Extract is a concentrated organic liquid fertilizer extracted from vermicompost, which restores fertility of your soil naturally. Just like nature intended.
We offer a range of six different types of growth stimulants, which can be used on all plants in all conditions – whether inside the home, outside in the garden, or in the greenhouse. One bottle of concentrate makes 53 gallons of fertilizer. Just squeeze, pour, and deliver for the Perfect Dose every time.

The secret of Vermicompost
Vermicompost isn’t actually a secret. Charles Darwin was the first to observe the effect of earthworms and castings they produced over 100 years ago. Benefits of vermicompost, attained through an amazing interplay of biology, chemistry, and microbiology led to the production of an extraordinary soil amendment and plant nutrient. Scientific studies have proved that treating plants with extracts of vermicompost result in better plant growth and decreased instances of disease. Ecoworm Soil Extract is ideal if you are seeking for a product to rebuild your soil, while inoculating it with full range of soil microbes required to cycle minerals and nutrients.
Not harmful to environment
Sustainably produced
Feeds the building blocks of soil
Healthy plants support healthy life
Safe for kids and pets
Less wasteful than chemical fertilizer
Why Organic?
Feeding soil microbes and building good conditions for them to thrive is important. Ecoworm Soil Extract is an organic fertilizer that enhances the natural growing mechanisms of the plant and soil through feeding essential microbial communities.
Did we mention it’s pet safe?
No need to worry about using Ecoworm Soil Extract around your good boys and girls.
It’s 100% organic, non-toxic, and safe for pets and kids.

Are your plants desperately in need of a boost? Ecoworm Sapropel Extract is a highly concentrated organic liquid extracted from sapropel – incredibly nutrient-rich freshwater lake sediments. It boosts plant health and restores the fertility of the soil naturally without the use of harmful chemicals. It contains a range of plant essential nutrients and vital soil microbes that regenerate soil and ensure sustainable and healthy plant growth.
It doesn’t stop at fertilizer.
Consider Clean Guard potassium soap your new best friend. Clean Guard is an all-natural, multi-purpose spray that will help keep pests away from your plants, your greenhouse squeaky-clean, and give your plants a much needed boost of the potassium they crave.